Automotive Quality Consulting GmbH

  • Zero Quality Costs.
  • No Quality Limits.
  • Data Driven Quality.
  • Automotive Quality Consulting.

Automotive Quality Consulting - your think tank and implementation partner with regard to quality strategy and quality costs.

Electric, networked and highly complex: The car of the future sets new rules of the game. For manufacturers and suppliers, cost pressure is increasing – and quality is the deciding factor for customer favor. We help you to successfully master the disruptions.

Zero Quality Costs. No Quality Limits.​

Ihre Margen schrumpfen, die Anforderungen an Ihre Produkte steigen. Garantiefälle können Existenz bedrohend werden. Sie brauchen die richtige Strategie.

Wir beraten zu Claim Management und Gewährleistungsfällen. Mit unserer Unterstützung senken Sie schnell und nachhaltig Ihre Qualitätskosten, steigern die Produktqualität und sichern sich gegen ungerechtfertigte Forderungen für Garantie- und Kulanzausgaben ab. Auf Wunsch trainieren wir Sie in Verhandlungsführung oder verhandeln selbst in Ihrem Namen.

No Quality Limits.

Zero Quality Costs. Data Driven Quality.

Your margins are shrinking, the demands on your products are increasing. Warranty claims can threaten your existence. You need the right strategy.

We advise on claim management and warranty cases. With our support, you can quickly and sustainably reduce your quality costs, increase product quality and protect yourself against unjustified claims for warranty and goodwill expenses. If you wish, we can train you in negotiation skills or negotiate on your behalf.

Quality. Strategy. Management. Consulting. Training.

Media. News About Quality.

Recalls due to quality defects are extremely annoying for customers and manufacturers. Above all, they are one thing: extremely expensive.

Current quality issues are reported in the media and forums. Read more.


Zero Quality Costs. No Quality Limits. Data
Driven Quality.

Automotive Quality Consulting.

Please feel free to contact us.

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